Closure of company / Striking off the name of the company

Striking Off the name is a privilege to the corporates to close their entities legally without any hassles where they incorporated the company but due to any reason could not commence operations or after the commencement of operations, they are not in operations for two (2) immediately preceding financial years

Eligibility Criteria

company has failed to commence its business within one year of its incorporation or

company is not carrying on any business or operation for a period of two (2) immediately preceding financial years and has not made any application within such period for obtaining the status of a dormant company under section 455

how can we help you?

We are there to help, you can submit your business enquiry online.

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Compliance Requirement for the application

  1. Approval of Board of Directors for the application
  2. Approval of Shareholders by way of Special Resolution for the application
  3. Statement of Account certified by the Chartered Accountant stating Nil Asset and liability
  4. Indemnity bond and Affidavit to be drawn by the Directors of the Company

Step wise process to Strike off the name of the Company

  1. Gathering requisite information/ documents
  2. Preparation of documents relating to Board meeting and Shareholders Meeting
  3. preparation of affidavits and Indemnity Bonds as required
  4. Filing of the application with the ROC in the prescribed E form
  5. Getting the company striked off from the Register of Companies maintained by the ROC